Friday, March 29, 2013

Body Issues

You know those body issues we all have? I seem to have more and more of them as time and weight gain take their toll :( Probably the bits I hate most about my body are my arms - tuckshop lady arms. EWWWWW! I always try my best to cover them up. Definitely no sleeveless summer dresses for me! (and while we are on this - clothes manufacturers - I am not the only person with this issue. Can you PLEASE make some summer clothers with sleeves. Thanks!) But my sweet little girl got me thinking last night....

After we had taken a shower last night Pickle says 'Do you know what my favourite bit of you is?' 'No' I say, already getting scared, because you never know where these things might go with her! 'Here' she says grabbing my upper arm.
'Really, I hate my arms' (just reinforcing body issues with the next generation).
'I love them - they are so soft and squishy and feel so nice!'

Sometimes you just need to see things from a different perspective. LOVE!

Oh and she said her next favourite bit is my lips because they give her kisses xoxoxoxo She can have as many as she likes if she keeps saying cute things like that.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what gems come from the mouths of children. I loved reading your blog so far. I should get back to mine as I haven't blogged in a while.
